Many years ago I learned to use a computer, that was 1994 when I saw the first computer, even for the time they were old but ran MS-DOS 6.2 and later Windows 95, some of the computers had at that time Windows 3.1 and I still remember the blocky look these interfaces had, it was then that I knew I was going to be working with technology and was thrilled about the possibilities, especially since our teacher back then had installed a ton of games on the computers which included shareware versions of Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D and Doom.
I think one of the most memorable things I can remember where the old trackball mice we used then, some of the were like bricks and others were getting a bit more curvy but nothing that felt nice on the hand, now we have peripherals that interact directly with the user from the computer itself (I’m talking about touch screens for example, no additional items).
It was until the early 2000s that I saw my first optical mouse, it was a game changer for me, trackball was good because it was the only thing that we had, and back then trackball could be below your hand (which is how most people used them) or on top/side (which are a bit weird to get used to but it is the same as any other new device you have no knowledge or experience with unless you have some time with it).
Now that I think about it, I cannot go back to trackball if it is the old way, I’ve tried alternatives and some seem better than the current optical solutions but I am unsure it will ever pick up again, if it did not pick up back then it’s probably not doing it now (or maybe I’m wrong, if retrocomputing is a thing then why not old mice) but you can always be one of the weird bunch and give it a try, I know I would recommend giving it a try but to watch the wallet because some of these are expensive as hell for no reason? Below are two I have tried in the last year, if you can find them at a decent price then go for it.